Ghost Recon Online - Большой патч 0.9.0
24 октября 2012

Стали известны подробности изменений, вносимых в тактический многопользовательский шутер Ghost Recon Online большим глобальным патчем 0.9.0.
Основными нововведениями станут изменения в подборе противников для новичков (не выше 4 уровня), а также упрочнение социальных взаимосвязей между игроками, посредством добавления в игру возможности создания кланов.
Перечень изменений

Key Changes
- Clans Identity: Clan creation, management and customization. Clan competition (ranked matches) coming in January 16th.
- Beginner play list (new players are in separate play list until one of their characters reaches level 5)
- Match victory now based on total points captured across both rounds (as opposed to total rounds won)
- Sniper rifle tuning changes to make "snap shooting" more difficult
- Player-reporting system. Right-click on a player to report suspected cheating or other complaints.
- New GRO home page
Community feedback changes(we are listening!)
- "red target box" around enemy player made more accurate, to make it harder for them to prone-hide in certain angles behind cover that make it difficult to shoot them
- Point capture logic improvements (easier to get credit for caps or cap assist, to encourage people to go on the point)
- The HEAT ability has been updated to allow assault players using the HEAT ability to clearly identify opponents that are affected by it.
- Fixed "Underwater sound effects" - Blitz and grenade audio state filters will no longer cause muffled sounds that is carried over when player respawns. Fixed the kill and resume state when dying on a grenade while running in Blitz.
- Lobby music soundtrack sequence now includes the Original Ghost Recon music theme (used to be only in the login screen)
- Fixed an issue where players may appear overly bright in certain areas of the maps.
- The HEAT ability has been updated to allow assault players using the HEAT ability to clearly identify opponents that are affected by it.
- Added Clan Advertisement page to promote clan when player is below level 10
- Able to form a clan with name, tag and a customized clan crestafter level 10
- Clan profile page in the lobby:
- Basic information and stats
- Basic clan manage functions
- Basic clan management features:
- Adding clan members by invitations by Officer and above
- Ranks management within the clan (Commander, Officer, Soldier)
- Expelling clan members
- Transferring ownership of clan to other members
- Updating clan messages in clan profile byOfficer and above
- Clan crest customization after creationby Officer and above
- An additional dedicated clan chat channel when a clan is created
- An additional dedicated clanroster in Social Widget, context menu for management commands
- Leaving a clan for clan members except for clan commanders
- Disbanding a clan by the clan commander
- Inviting clan members from Clan list when forming a fireteam
- Clan competition (ranked matches) coming in January 16th. Advanced clan features to be discussed with community starting in November.
- Others:
- Having your clan tag displayed with your player name for better identification from other players
- Ability to use your clan crest as your Avatar
- Ghost feeds of friends who joined a clan and for Your friend who has changed their avatar to the clan crest.
- Clan chat commands for basic clan managements
- Clan unlock notification in post match UI
Beginner Playlist
- Beginner Playlist is added. It is only playable by beginners with all characters below level 5. It is also the default playlist for beginners. This is to improve the beginner experience by filtering away the better players. In the case where a beginner not getting a game in Beginner Playlist, he can also choose to play under All Players Playlist. By doing that, the beginner will be expecting himself to be training along with other experienced players.
- Beginner will be asked if he wants to switch to another class when one of his characters reach level 4.
- In Fireteam where a member reached level 5, the AMM will stop. Fireteam members will then decide whether to remove that level 5 player and continue on Beginner Playlist, or they can all queue under All Players Playlist.
- UI changes to Match Lobby:
- Side navigation was removed to cater for a larger screen space that is essential for future features
- Players can now see previews of maps in a playlist
- Match Summary and Scoreboard for previous game were combined as a general Match Results tab
- Preview of next level unlocks was temporary removed due to:
- repetitive information with post-game pop-ups
- space allocated for future features
- Player can now see outcome, map and mode of their previous game on the Match Summary
Lobby Improvements
- UI changes to Global Navigation bars:
- Added Home and Clan buttons to the top
- Moved Options and Support buttons to the bottom right
- Chat and Social display as icons
- Glow effect added to all selected button state
- UI changes to Home:
- Added Objective List. There are 9 table cells, each representing an objective for player to complete when he logs in. Each cell will be hidden once the requirements are met. Player can also reveal those hidden cells if he wants to view them.
- Ghost feeds reduced in number of feeds shown at once
- Store advertisement was resized
- Daily Challenges are available in pop-ups now. This is to cater for a more flexible system in the future where challenges can be accessed throughout the lobby without moving player away from his current screen.
- Match victory rule change: the winner of a match is now the team that holds the most combined points over two rounds (previously, it was determined by counting round victories ... which led to a lot of draws). Applies to both Conquest and Onslaught mode, The round victory rules have not changed, this applies only to match results. You will see when you play, the gameplay/interface team did a great job on animation and sound on the results screen.
- Point capture score logic adjustments intended to encourage participation on the cap:
- Full point capture (500 score) awarded if you contribute to 60% or more of a successful capture. This is to properly reward a player doing heavy lifting who might die near the very end of the cap.
- Easier capture assist, requires 10% capture contribution (formerly required 30%, which was not fully rewarding some people who did help the cap)
- Less reward for last-second point rush: if you arrive on the point during the last 10%, you only get a capture assist, not a full capture credit
Weapon Tuning
- Min-Max spread overhaul for sniper rifles.

To balance this newfound power, the SR spread recovery has also been reduced, to encourage careful shooting. Overall, this change is expected to make the sniping experience more enjoyable for all by reducing the frustration that snap-shooting brings, and the unhappy moment when a carefully settled in sniper misses a clean shot.
- Fixed data entry inconsistencies in barrels (errors corrected have minor gameplay impacts)
- AR short barrel, LMG med barrel: Slight increase in vertical recoil with slight decrease in horizontal recoil. This corrects a data entry error where side to side recoil was higher than designed.
- Standardized all short AR barrels to have a smaller max spread and larger min spread. This is to address the issue where the CQC ARs were too accurate at long ranges and less accurate than designed at anything beyond close range.
- Fixed a data entry error with PX4 HG, reducing max spread back to normal HG levels.
- Added handling values to Mk 3,5 LMG med barrels. This will slightly reduce handling and restore them to normal LMG barrel handling values.
- Increased handgun bullet spread gain when moving. This fixes the issue where handguns were more accurate than expected as there was no spread gain when moving around
- AR reduced effectiveness in full auto fire at medium to long range (LMG had similar changes in 8.10):
- These changes were made to encourage careful shooting with ARs to maximize the use of their limited magazine sizes.
- ARs have increased spread gain when from firing shots, increasing accuracy loss when firing full auto. To compensate, spread recovery is increased to encourage careful shooting.
- Max bloom on AR long barrels has been increased to reduce accuracy in sustained fire. This primarily affects the SV variants amongst AR.
Interface Changes
- Added player reporting feature in the game.
- Player is now able to file a report about player to our CS within the game. Player can do so by selecting “Report Player” when right clicking offender’s name in the chat channel.
- Slash command in lobby/in-game chat can also be used ("/report" for English, "/signaler" for French and "/melden" for German).
- Report player option can also be found at Game’s Option menu.
- There will be a limit of 5 reports per hour.
- Fixed a sound bug + Raycast algorithm where players can hear near miss bullet whistles and zings across the map.
- Fixed sudden death music overlaps. Extended timer countdown and music build-up to 30 seconds before match ends.
- Enemy Aegis charging and activation sound has now a pitched-down effect, slightly different from main players bubble sounds. Lobby music soundtrack sequence now includes the Original Ghost Recon music theme (login music) - as requested by players.
- Improved weapon sound optimization. Smoother and more solid 1 bullet, 1 sound prioritization.
- Re-sampled and re-compressed selected shotguns and audio assets that might be causing static on some speakers and Low-Fi headphones.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the half-height cover on the center of Shearwater point A, which was easy for attackers to peek over, but defenders sometimes their bullets got blocked by the top of the cover.
- Fixed an issue when game client sometime tries to request disc from DVD ROM with drive letter F:
- Fixed a bug with specialist backpack still retains colour when it turns to dead body.
Known Issues
- Alienware laptop (mx14) refuse to use Discrete GPU on GRO (they keep using integrated low-end GPU)
- This is a power-saving feature of the laptop itself. To ensure that it uses the discrete GPU, do the following:
- Make sure the power is plugged in
- Update the GPU drivers
- Set power settings to High Performance
- In the NVIDIA Control Panel, under the 3D Setting > Manage 3D Setting, in the Global Setting tab, under "Prefer graphics processor" select "High-performance NVIDIA Processor". You can also add "GhostReconOnline.exe" into the list under the "Program Settings" tab, and select "High-performance NVIDIA Processor" under "2. Select the preferred graphics processor for this program"
- Intel HD Graphics crash
- Running the game with Intel HD2000/3000 Drivers below revision 15.26.xx.xxxx may lead to crashes due to excessive memory usage. Please make sure to update to the latest drivers.
- Intel Download Center: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/
- Graphics -> Desktop Graphics Drivers
- Low performance / Sound stuttering on RealTek HD Audio
- There are performance issues running the game on some old RealTek drivers. Please update to latest RealTek High Definition Audio Codecs from the Realtek website or the motherboard manufacturer.
- Realtek: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/
(c) Goha.ru
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