Обновление от 15 февраля добавило Тускара


Разработчики DOTA 2 сообщают об установке очередного еженедельного обновления на тестовые игры, а затем и на стабильные сервера DOTA 2, которое добавляет нового героя - повелителя вьюг Тускара. Стоит также отметить внушительный список балансировки и корректировки игрового процесса и пользовательского интерфейса.

Update Notes 15.02:   - Added Tusk!

- Lina: Fixed Dragon Slave hitting units behind you.
- Mirana: Fixed some backswing behaviors with her spells
- Templar Assassin: Fixed Meld not removing collision.
- Troll Warlord: Fixed a case where ranged Troll Warlord can bash when attacking while transforming.
- Troll Warlord: Added a "fast" attack animation that will only trigger when his attack speed is above 210
- Fixed Orchid disabling Dagger at the end of its duration even if it was doing no damage.
- Fixed a recent bug with Poor Man''s Shield that could infrequently cause it to not block hero damage
- Fixed some wave speed issues with Crypt Swarm, Dual Breath, Breathe Fire, Dragon Slave, Illuminate, Sonic Wave and Shockwave.
- Enabled Silencer in Tournament lobbies.
- Team Matchmaking now uses the Tournament lobby rules.
- Two-player Mid Only games now automatically spawn a courier.
- Enabled Medusa in Captain''s Mode for Latest Version (will be enabled in Tournament Version the following week).

- Updated look of the combat log and added language localization.
- Fixed bug where players who''d set themselves as Offline in Steam would still report their Rich Presence status.
- Players no longer display what hero they''re playing in their Rich Presnce if they''re in a private no-spectating game.
- Added a "Add Self to Roster" button that shows up for Team Admins that aren''t part of their Team''s Roster.
- The Game End panel now shows team names for games with teams.

- If Keeper of the Light dies with Recall active, the visual effect is now removed.

- Fixed PL not being considered a Hard Carry for lane-selection and last-hit-deferring purposes.
- Fixed VS bot not having a large enough item build list.
- Bots will no longer dust Doppelwalk because it''s sneaky.
- Bots will no longer buy invisibility detection for an enemy''s item until they see that item in an enemy''s inventory.
- Made Zeus bot slightly more likely to use Wrath of the Thundergod.
- When a player connects, we now only disable/make invulnerable heroes on the opposing teams (not units with bots like the Warlock Golem).
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