Обновление от 7 февраля добавляет командный матчмейкинг
7 февраля 2013

Разработчики DOTA 2 сообщают об установке очередного еженедельного обновления на тестовые сервера игры, которое добавляет долгожданный командный матчмейкинг, рейтинг которого будет высчитываться из статистики игр конкретной команды. Стоит также отметить большой список балансировки и корректировки игрового процесса и пользовательского интерфейса.
Если все пойдет хорошо, то уже завтра обновление будет установлено на публичные сервера
Update Notes 06.02:

- Added Language setting for Matchmaking!
- Alchemist: Fixed Unstable Concoction AOE and Self impact behavior when there is a Magic Immune target.
- Batrider: Fixed Sticky Napalm being applied to Magic Immune units.
- Batrider: Fixed Sticky Napalm being removed by Magic Immunity.
- Bloodseeker: Fixed Rupture damage interval.
- Bloodseeker: Fixed being able to use potions during Rupture.
- Dark Seer: Fixed being able to cast Ion Shell on special units like Spirit Bear and Warlock''s Golem
- Doom: Fixed Doom''s interaction with MKB and Truestrike.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Breath sometimes missing at very close range in Elder Dragon Form.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Breath travel time being too slow.
- Gyrocopter: Fixed Call Down first and second impact slow values being swapped
- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Recall going off if Keeper died during the delay.
- Lone Druid: Fixed Spirit Bear''s Entangle working against Ancients and Creep Heroes like Familiars and Warlock''s Golem.
- Medusa: Fixed Split Shot hitting Nightmared units.
- Medusa: Fixed Mana Shield not blocking damage from Death Ward, Plague Wards, Serpent Wards and Wildkin''s Tornado.
- Morphling: Fixed Morph transformation stopping if Morphling gets purged or cycloned.
- Shadow Fiend: Fixed Shadow Fiend gaining souls while dead
- Shadow Fiend: Fixed Shadow Fiend gaining souls from killing illusions.
- Spectre: Fixed Spectral Dagger sometimes creating invisible paths of targets it hit.
- Troll Warlord: Added Pseudo Random support for his Bash.
- Troll Warlord: Fixed Whirling Axes interaction with Roshan.
- Visage: Fixed Cleave hitting Familiars.
- Warlock: Fixed Flaming Fists hitting ethereal units.
- Weaver: Fixed various buffs Time Lapse did not remove.
- Witch Doctor: Fixed Paralyzing Casks bouncing off of couriers.
- Courier: Fixed courier not responding to deliver orders after having received a hold or stop order.
- Courier: Reduced stash interaction ranges to fix the courier not filling a bottle when entering and exiting the fountain area in a short time.
- Courier: Fixed the Deliver Items breaking if you used speed burst on the way to the stash.
- Fixed direct unit target spells having 24 less effective range.
- Fixed Dark Pact and and Kraken Shell not removing Sticky Napalm, Shadow Strike, Venomous Gale, Poison Nova and Viper Strike.
- Fixed Day/Night cycle duration as well as initial state being a bit off.
- Fixed some ability Backswing timing issues (Kunkka, Clockwerk, Timbersaw, Meepo, Pudge, Spiritbreaker, Sand King, Riki, Nyx, Lion, Pugna, Shadow Demon, Batrider).
- Orb of Venom now has the same stacking behavior with Lifesteal that Eye of Skadi does.
- Fixed Veil of Discord not getting applied to Magic Immune units.
- Fixed Veil of Discord getting dispelled by Purge/BKB/Cyclone/etc.
- Fixed Bloodstone charges incrementing while you are dead.
- Dropped, non-sharable items can no longer be destroyed by teammates.
- Fixed dominated units continuing their previous channeling spell.
- Enabled Silencer in Captain''s Mode for Latest Version (will be enabled in Tournament Version the following week).
- Added Language option for Matchmaking. You will find players when matchmaking that have selected the same language(s).
- Fixed buff refreshes not showing the correct swipe.
- Made Keeper''s two Spirit Form abilities always visible but just disabled until he uses Spirit Form.
- The dota:// URL handler now supports lobbyid=<lobbyid> and accountid=<accountid> for creating game spectating links.
- Fixed autocast ability border not hiding when moving from a friendly unit to querying an enemy.
- When using smart tab switching, fixed not being able to cycle to controllable units if your currently selected using is dead.
- Players that play on a league game will now have access to that league pass.
- Fixed being able to pick or random an already repicked hero.
- Added an error message when pressing the courier deliver button and there are no items to be delivered.
- Added Team query to WebAPI. Query is GetTeamInfoByTeamID, params are start_at_team_id and teams_requested.
- Players that participate in Leagues will now have access to watch all games for said league in the tournament tab.
- Made Necrolyte bot more likely to use Death Pulse to heal himself.
- When considering purchasing an item and determining whether there''s room in their inventory, bots will now consider whether the item will stack with an existing item.
- Bots will no longer sell a situational item in order to retrieve a situational item from their stash (fixes purchase thrashing).
- Witch Doctor will no longer use Maledict on non-hero units.
- Slightly lowered the maximum desire to attack a non-hero unit.
(c) GoHa.Ru, Dotahub.ru
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