Патч 1.0.2 "Retribution" установлен на серверы EVE Online
6 декабря 2012
Патч 1.0.2 к дополнению «Retribution» установлен на серверы sci-fi MMO EVE Online, сообщает официальный сайт этого проекта от компании CCP Games. Как и в предыдущем патче, в 1.0.2 разработчики продолжают устранять проблемы, появившиеся в игре с выходом «Retribution». Были исправлены ошибки с пользовательским интерфейсом (невидимая на некоторых мобильных устройствах геометрия); с кораблями Blackbird, Caracal, Griffin; устранены проблемы с графикой, POS’ами, инвентарем и системой Crimewatch.
Список изменений
User Interfacing
- Fixed an issue where geometry would be invisible on mobile graphics hardware.
- Resolved an issue with the Character Sheet and their tabs (Skills, Certificates...) showing as empty.
- Kill Reports will now open correctly if they detail loyalty points gained.
- The ''Track Selected Item'' camera mode now always engages on first press of the key binding. It also now handles enabling/disabling of the mode more gracefully.
- An issue has been fixed that caused locked targets to display the ''Locked'' label blinking after the lock process had been completed.
- Orca boost and Mining Frequency Crystals are now shown in the tooltips for Strip Miners.
- Fixed some backend errors associated with quickly moving bookmarks.
- Blackbird:
- Caldari Cruiser bonuses: +12.5% ECM optimal, falloff and +15% ECM strength per level
- Slot layout: 4 H, 6 M, 3 L, 3 turrets, 3 launchers
- Fittings: 525 PWG, 425 CPU
- Defense (shields / armor / hull): 1400 / 1200 / 1400
- Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 1250 / 445 s / 2.8
- Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 190 / 0.48 / 13190000 / 5.9 s
- Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
- Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 85km / 230 / 8
- Sensor strength: 20 Gravimetric
- Signature radius: 150
- Caracal:
- Caldari Cruiser bonuses: 5% bonus Rapid Light, Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire and 10% bonus to Light, Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Velocity per level
- Griffin
- Signature radius: 42
- Caldari Frigate bonuses: +15% to ECM strength and -10% to ECM capacitor use per level
- Slot layout: 2 H, 5 M, 2 L, 0 turrets, 2 launchers
- Fittings: 24 PWG, 240 CPU
- Defense (shields / armor / hull): 400 / 250 / 250
- Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 245 / 135 s / 1.81
- Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 325 / 3.5 / 1056000 / 3.46 s
- Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
- Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 65km / 500 / 6
- Sensor strength: 17 Gravimetric
- Fixed issue where safety warnings where activating for targeted modules with no target selected.
- An issue when attempting to activate certain kill rights has been fixed
- Bounties on inactive users were sometimes being reimbursed too early.
- The scroll for an input field will now work when the mouse cursor is within the boundaries of the window as opposed to the boundaries of the input field.
- Fixed instances of where the “My filter” section of Inventory window would not stay minimized.
- Fixed an issue where dropping bookmarks via the Index tree would not work.
- In some cases skills were not being applied directly after clone jumping. This has now been fixed.
- Fixed an issue that prevented being able to store Oxygen or Water in silos in space.
- An issue with the pod and cloaking after a star gate jump has been resolved.
- A gap in one of the Proteus subsystems has been corrected.
- Part of the Loki engine had fallen off during its V3 upgrade and has been duck taped back on.
- A normal map error on the Tengu hull has been corrected.
- The gas cloud harvester effect has been fixed.
- Some of the locator hard points have been corrected on the Loki hull
P.S. Подписывайтесь на наш YouTube канал.
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