Патч 1.0.3 Retribution установлен на сервер EVE Online
10 декабря 2012

Патч 1.0.3 к дополнению «Retribution» установлен на серверы sci-fi MMO EVE Online, сообщает официальный сайт этого проекта от компании CCP Games. В обновлении разработчики продолжают устранять ошибки, появившиеся после релиза дополнения. Так, устранена проблема, из-за которой иногда набор сообщений переставал функционировать – вместо этого работали клавиши быстрого ввода; удалена возможность телепортировать предметы в расположенные слишком далеко контейнеры; исправлены баги с текстурами 125 и 1500 мм рейлганов, а также уязвимость, из-за которой испорченные файлы в формате JPEG могли приводить к падению клиента во время входа.
Полный список изменений

To be released on Monday, December 10, 2012
- Any bounties placed on inactive characters will be refunded up to 50% of the bounty placed on that character.
- Wars that are now made mutual will always be able to be retracted by the aggressor, even if the war is made non-mutual.
- ?Fixed the right click Location menu for Science & Industry jobs.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused typing to stop working and shortcut keys to be applied instead.
- Custom groups on the Neocom will no longer be removed on log in.
- Fixed an issue where single corporation divisions would not persist after loading into the game.
- Inventory window will no longer expand when stacked and collapsed with another window after a jump.
- Fixed the order in which the back and forward functionality works with the Inventory.
- It is no longer possible to teleport items into containers, which are too far away.
- The limit of items in corporate hangar arrays has been increased to 1500 item-stacks per division.
- Production jobs from corporation hangars are now using the correct limit of items per division (1500).
- Dropping items into divisions of corporate hangar arrays without roles is no longer causing wrong error messages.
- The Shield Resistance Amplifier sub groups on the market now have correct names. No more pesky spelling mistakes.
- We identified some issues that would cause expired kill rights to always appear in the activate kill rights UI. This should no longer show old and expired kill rights.
- The search backend will now properly match when doing a “Partial terms” search for solar system names that have hyphens in them (i.e. “1-3H” will correctly match 1-3HWZ).
- A texture bug with the 125mm and 150mm Railguns has been fixed.
- A hard edge texture bug has been resolved in the mission "The Blockade".
- A hardline geometry gap has been resolved on the Armageddon and all of its variants.
- Fixed an issue where Tengu Launcher was facing the wrong direction.
- Fixed an issue where Tengu Launcher had an unusual rotation.
- Small geometry gaps have been fixed on the Proteus.
- Image files in JPEG format that contain a corrupt jpg_header block could crash the client. Some players with such corrupt files would experience a crash to desktop during startup or the login process. This particular vulnerability has now been addressed.
- Cynos are now being displayed correctly on the world map.
- Jump bridges can be linked without problems.
P.S. Подписывайтесь на наш YouTube канал.
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