Патч Crucible 1.2.1 установлен
22 февраля 2012

Установлен патч Crucible 1.2.1 для sci-fi MMO EVE Online, сообщает официальный сайт этой игры от компании CCP Games. В этом обновлении усилия разработчиков были сосредоточены на устранении падений клиента и улучшениях пользовательского интерфейса на основании отзывов игроков. Кроме этого, ССР сообщила о том, что таймер смены сессии снова понижен с 15 до 10 секунд.
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Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.2.1
Released Tuesday, February 21, 2012.
- Windows from Crucible 1.2 to Crucible 1.2.1 is 11 MB
- Windows full client 5.0 GB
- Mac from Crucible 1.2 to Crucible is 1.2.1 is 18 MB
- Mac full client 5.7GB
- Fixed some crashes caused by the optimizations made in Crucible 1.2.
- Fixed some legacy crashes too because we love you.
- The sorting icon in the Overview is replaced with a padlock when sorting is locked.
- The contracts window will now properly clip text that spills out of its allotted grid space.
- Some alignment issues when switching between UI scaling settings have been remedied.
- Layout of item descriptions have their spacing back. We’re sorry we stole them.
Client Update #1 for EVE Online: Crucible 1.2.1
Released February 21, 2012
User Interface
- The icon animations in the overview have been restored to their former constant-blinking goodness.
- The Jukebox’s UI has been de-hosed.
- The input caret was sometimes missing from the chat window. We found it and put it back.
- Keeping your mouse still over the overview will now release the sort-locking. People interested in having the sorting remained locked are adviced to hold down a combat action key (lock or look at, for example) or to keep moving their mouse.