Патч от 10 октября
11 октября 2012
Компания Valve сообщает об установке очередного обновления на тестовую версию DOTA 2. Увы, но новых героев ожидать не стоит.
Разработчики добавили Мипо и Магнуса в Captain mode, а также исправили некоторые ошибки в умениях, например, Reverse Polarity, который теперь будет правильно притягивать юнитов, а также Necromastry, которому также исправили визуальную составляющую. Все эти изменения, если не будет замечено проблем, окажутся в стабильной версии уже завтра.
Update Notes 10.10:
- Added Meepo to Captain''s Mode.
- Added Magnus to Captain''s Mode.
- Fixed Reverse Polarity not pulling units from the right location.
- Fixed Necromastry loss count for odd numbers.
- Fixed Reverse Polarity stunning cycloned units.
- Fixed Incapacitating Bite working against Wards.
- Fixed enemy Meepo illusions displaying the wrong health bars.
- Team profile shows tournaments that a team has participated in.
- Fixed bugs with cooldowns and disassembling Tranquil Boots.
- Updated Necronomicon visuals.
- Added Templar Assassin to the list of heroes that bots will purchase invisibility-detection items for.
- When leading a target, bots will no longer target an ability in impassable terrain.
- Added more usage cases for Poison Touch.
- Earthshaker and Tidehunter bots are now more aggressive when they have Echo Slam and Ravage up, which should help them initiate more often.
- Fixed excessive lead time in Light Strike Array usage.
- Fixed case where AoE targeted abilities could be targeted on invisible enemies.
- Fixed bug with Shallow Grave where Dazzle bot would only rarely cast it on teammates.
- Windrunner bot will now more often follow up a successful Shackleshot with a Powershot.
- Ranged heroes will be slightly more aggressive when laning.
- Fixed issue where bots with lifesteal were overestimating their tankiness.
- Fixed Jugg''s loadout to not have him buy boots first.
- Dazzle bot is now a bit more judicious about using Shadow Wave.
(c) GoHa.Ru
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