Патч от 26 сентября


Компания Valve сообщает об установке очередного обновления на тестовую версию DOTA 2. К сожалению, обновление без нового героя в комплекте

Разработчики уменьшили радиус Illuminate у героя Keeper of the Light, исправили спектр курсора во время каста способностей, ошибку при подключении к Captain Mode и добавили контроль 7-10 группы. Все эти изменения можно будет наблюдать в стабильной версии уже завтра.

Update Notes 26.09:   GAMEPLAY

- Fixed Illuminate going 400 further than intended.
- Fixed Psi Blades being slightly too wide in its spill.


- Fixed range cursor always using the player''s main hero instead of the currently casting unit.
- Fixed bug where connecting during CM pick stage resulted in a broken pick/ban view.
- Added control groups 7, 8, 9, and 10.
- Enabled equipped Pennants showing up in your base.


- Updated Morphling icons.
- Added missing strings for the new control groups.
- Fixed the bug where sometimes multi-selected Meepos wouldn''t sort in the same order as they were listed on the HUD.
- Fixed bug with Meepo and Blade Mail (aka Meepo Shotgun).
- Fixed killing a clone when Meepo prime had Aegis resulting in gold loss and a scoreboard death.


- Added custom sounds when Tiny has an ultimate scepter equipped and is attacking with a tree.


- Added Luna bot.
- Added Dazzle bot.
- Only use suggested heroes if we have bot implementations for them.
- Lich bot will now use Frost Nova when laning to harass, if he has plenty of mana.
- Fixed bug that would cause Viper to use Poision Attack on creeps when laning.
- Bots will now sell TP scrolls if they need the inventory space to buy an item from the Secret Shop.
- Made Bane bot less likely to use abilities when doing a mild retreat.
- Fixed Razor''s Plasma Field usage in-lane which was just completely broken. He should spam it less now.
- Tiny will now Avalanche at a slightly further distance when trying to do his combo.
- Windrunner will try to Shackleshot when retreating less now, and only when Windrun isn''t active.
- Bots will no longer want to do Roshan when they aren''t sufficiently tanky.
- When buying TP scrolls, bots will now try to purchase two of them since they tend to run around without any too often
- Fixed bug where bots wouldn''t lower their farm desire when they reached enough money to make a big purchase, resulting in them farming forever.
- Fixed bug in Armlet toggling.
- Fixed bug that was causing bots to use Mekansm when no one needed healing.
- Fixed bug that was causing bots to incorrectly extrapolate movement positions (breaking abilities that need to lead their targets like Torrent or Light Strike Array).

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