Патчи для Total War: SHOGUN 2 и Crusader Kings II
4 июля 2012
Сегодня были выпущены патчи для исторических стратегий Total War: SHOGUN 2 и Crusader Kings II.
Изменения коснулись ошибок игры, многопользовательских режимов и других аспектов геймплея и производительности. Обновления уже доступны на сервисе Steam.
Shogun 2
• Lighting shader tweaks to improve lighting in battles throughout the game.
• A Multiplayer crash on host machine when searching for a 4v4 Set-up team siege battle has been fixed.
• Fixed crash when attempting to play Fall of the Samurai Historical Battles when players owns the stand alone Dragon War Battle Pack and not Total War: SHOGUN 2 Fall of the Samurai.
• Fix for players becoming stuck during the Avatar Multiplayer Tutorial after searching for a Match Made battle.
• The "Season" drop down list should now display correctly after changing map in a multiplayer Battle List battle.
• Wako pirates now have the correct banners in naval battles via the Campaign.
• Fix to prevent AI trade fleets grouped around occupied trade nodes in Campaign mode.
• Fix to prevent Mixed Avatars being able to join Battle List battles with ''Mixed Avatars'' option turned off.
• Fix for bug in Avatar Conquest mode where players receiving a clan promotion were shown a message telling them they have been relegated.
• Desynchronisation (desync) message has been localised to French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish.
• Fix for multiplayer campaign desynchronsiation (desync) when playing between German and Czech players.
• Improved compatibility with AMD Radeon HD 7 series graphics cards.
• Fixes to prevent desynchronisation (desync) in Multiplayer Campaign mode.
• Improved combat animation blending for cavalry.
• Added localisation to the multiplayer lobby for the status of TEd created maps when they are being shared.
• Fix for Sea of Japan naval battle map crash.
• Players can no longer delete the "Sea of Japan" Naval Battle map, and can delete their own maps (Created or shared through TEd) on the battle setup screen UI.
• Added localisation for battle setup screen UI in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish. Crusader Kings II
- The date widget arrows in the lobby no longer stay gone after you''ve looked at your save games
- Added a separate set of Muslim feudal (Iqta) laws
- Added a separate Muslim invasion CB with longer truce and no taking of all occupied provinces
- The success chance for kill plots now increases drastically past 100% Plot Power
- MP: Fixed an OOS issue between people with and without SoI. (Unfortunately, this means modders with SoI cannot just script in any number of wives in other religions.)
- Fixed a serious but simple error messing up the Spanish localization text
- Corrected a load of German text using '';'' in the localization, corrupting the text database
- Decadence revolter special troops now disband after the war
- The game will no longer crash if you have the African Unit Pack DLC but not the Sword of Islam
- Exported EMPIRE_CREATION_PIETY_COST to defines
- Fixed a bug with ''replace_path'' in mods
- Empires now cost 400 Piety to create (up from 200)
- Fixed a bug that would not actually detract the empire creation Piety cost
- Fixed a problem with the event effects ''gain_settlements_under_title'' and ''vassalize_or_take_under_title'' where rebel or revolter occupied counties would not be taken in the peace
- Muslim vassals can no longer declare Holy Wars on rulers of their top liege''s religion
- Corrected the English regnal numbers to exclude the Saxon Edwards
- Fixed a bug where breaking a truce would not actually cost Prestige
- Added ''creation_requires_capital'' field to landed titles
- Added harsher creation conditions for the Latin Empire
- Added proper creation conditions for the Caliphates
- Fixed a bug with the event effect ''abdicate_to_most_liked_by'' that could cause the new ruler of a non-feudal state to become independent when he should not
- Character modifiers now correctly recalculated when a timed character modifier expires
- No longer possible to revoke the last landed title off a ruler with significant vassals
- The chancellor in West African cultures is now called Grand Vizier
- The minor title ''title_ruler_consort'' no longer has separate localization strings - it''s now the other gender version of the spouse''s ruler title
- Added ''title_female'' custom holder title to landed titles
- Added separate law message for when muslims pass laws
- Added event effect ''disband_event_forces''
- Fixed some glitches with betrothals in the Muslim world
- Fixed a bug with Heavy Armor tech level 5
- Fixed a bug with the Ramadan events firing at once if war was declared
- Religion View: The portrait of the religious head should now age correctly
- Doubled the opinion penalty for revoking a kingdom
- Fixed a bug with the tooltip for usurping emperor tier titles
- Fixed some errors in the Welsh character database
- Women with ''immortal'' flagged traits no longer grow infertile after 45, and the AI knows this
- Fixed an issue with ''immortal'' marked traits added in the ruler designer or the history
- Should no longer be possible to get both the Sayyid and Mirza traits
- Fixed two bugs with a dynasty''s Coat of Arms changing for no reason
- Scripted banned colors for Coats of Arms should now work
- Corrected event picture for event 75075
- Fixed some events using incorrect form ''only_capable''
- Removed some duplicate text entries
- Tech focuses can no longer change when you inherit someone''s title
- Commander traits are now generated for characters created with the ''create_character'' effect with a martial trait
- The Jizya tax modifier is now shown with an icon on Holdings
- Corrected the religion of Muhammad''s ancestors
- Corrected lots of (harmless) errors in the gui files
- Fixed a bug with the tooltip for usurping emperor tier titles
- Fixed a bug with the NTechnology defines and REN_PROVINCE not being read
- Changed the name of the ''Empire of Spain'' to ''Empire of Hispania''
- Can no longer transfer Duke or King rank vassals to anyone except their de jure liege
- Buffed the Christian states of Iberia by giving them more holdings, more initial building upgrades and slightly higher tech
- Invasion AI: Fixed some deadlock situations that could occur when armies were loaded on fleets belonging to the wrong agent
- Army AI: Fixed a glitch with attrition avoidance when having attached units
- When moving an army into a sea zone, it will now prefer loading onto the smallest possible fleet
- Attached units can no longer lead a siege if the unit they are attached to is also besieging
- Increased the max number of holdings in many counties in continental Europe, England and the Levantine coast
- Attached units now move at the same speed
- Can no longer select holy orders to play in the lobby
- Page 12 in the Ledger no longer crashes in "observer" mode
- When divorcing a spouse, the "matrilineal" marriage status is now correctly reset
- Vassals with a weak claim on the liege that they can''t currently use no longer get an increased revolt risk
- Diplo AI: Tweaked "desires better alliance" factor for marriages
- Fixed a bug where armies containing Holy Order regiments could be disbanded when the Holy Order itself withdrew its forces for another conflict
- Fixed a bug preventing a host without The Sword of Islam from hosting MP games with those who do and have selected Muslim rulers
- Fixed a freeze bug in the lobby when stepping back through history from an advanced date
- Fixed a bug with historical scripted non-succession laws being overridden at start
- Fixed a bug where landless religion heads could be succeeded by ones of the wrong religion
- Added ''decadence'' character history command
- The Seljuks now start at 0% Decadence
- Fixed a bug in some combat tactics that would immediately destroy all enemies of a certain unit type
Другие публикации по теме
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Сегодня в 20:30
Состоялся общий релиз глобальной стратегии Civilization 7 от студии Firaxis Games и издателя 2K. Несмотря на то что вместе с релизом игра получила важный патч, исправляющий ряд ошибок и улучшающий несколько механик, это не очень-то помогло.
Сегодня в 15:28
Xbox раскрыл список релизов этой недели на своих консолях и в сервисе Game Pass. Из всего списка реальный интерес вызывает разве что стратегия Civilization VII, отзывы о которой постепенно улучшаются после катастрофы на раннем доступе.
Вчера в 16:00