Planetside 2 - NDA снято
2 сентября 2012

Компания Sony Online Entertainment распространила пресс-релиз Planetside 2, приуроченный к выставке PAX Prime 2012. Помимо программы показа игры в рамках выставки, компания заявила о снятии Запрета на распространении любой информации (NDA) со стороны активных бета-тестеров.
Также пресс-релизе приведена занимательная статистика выбора Империй бета-тестерами:
- Terran Republic — 34.67%
- New Conglomerate — 32.96%
- Vanu Sovereignty — 32.37%
Полный текст пресс-релиза:

SOE kicked off external beta testing for PlanetSide 2 on August 3rd. In that time, PlanetSide 2 beta has seen a massive amount of participation with each beta player averaging just over two hours a day in game. Other interesting beta statistics include:
8.5 billion points of damage done to players
5.8 billion points of damage done to vehicles
535 million shots fired
194.6 million shots hit
6.3 million player deaths
2.3 million rockets launched
571 thousand grenades thrown
Empire allegiance breakdown:
Terran Republic: 34.67%
New Conglomerate: 32.96%
Vanu Sovereignty: 32.37%
PAX Prime is the first consumer showing of PlanetSide 2 in North America. There, players can get hands-on with the award-winning, highly anticipated massively multiplayer online first-person shooter (MMOFPS) at the Sony Online Entertainment PAX Prime booth #3317. Additionally, the PlanetSide 2 team will participate in a variety of panels and host numerous activities, including:
Daily PAX Prime booth live cast from on featuring the PlanetSide 2 Development Team and gaming commentator TotalBiscuit
Friday, Aug 31, 3 PM - 5 PM PDT
Saturday, Sept 1, 12 PM - 2 PM and 3 PM - 5 PM PDT
Sunday, Sept 2, 11 AM - 2 PM PDT
Appearances at the PAX Prime stage:
Friday, Aug 31, 2 PM - 2:45 PM PDT
Live gameplay with Creative Director Matt Higby and TotalBiscuit
Saturday, Sept 1, 2 PM - 2:45 PM PDT
Q&A with Matt Higby, hosted by commentator and streamer DJ Wheat
Sunday, Sept 2, 2 PM - 2:45 PM PDT
Live taping of ''Command Center'' with Matt Higby and Sr. Art Director Tramell Isaac''s ''Future of Online Games'' panel featuring Matt Higby
Saturday, Sept 1, 11:30 AM - Pegasus Theater
''Your Careening Career: Starting Small and Making it Big in the Game Industry'' featuring SOE Director of Community Linda Carlson and Matt Higby
Saturday, Sept 1, 6:30 PM - Wolfman Theater
PlanetSide 2 is the Official Gaming Sponsor for Curse PAX Prime Party
Friday, Aug 31st, 9 PM - 2 AM - Red Lion Hotel on Fifth Avenue (Seattle Ballroom)
PlanetSide 2 is currently in external beta testing and will be available as a Free-To-Play. Your Way. ™ game for PC systems via digital download later this year. Optional content will be available for purchase in the marketplace.
Players can sign up for beta access at
Players also can follow PlanetSide 2 on their favorite social media platforms:
P.S. Подписывайтесь на наш YouTube-канал.
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