Произошла утечка списка изменений SWTOR из беты

Сайт Betacake.net опубликовал список изменений билда MMORPG Star Wars : The Old Republic от 2 августа 2011 года, якобы утекший с бета-сервера этого готовящегося к выходу проекта от компаний BioWare и Electronic Arts. К наиболее интересным можно отнести следующие нововведения: Revan стал PvP-сервером, добавлена опция АоЕ-лута, предел кредитов для персонажа теперь составляет 4 миллиарда, доработаны классы Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight.

Читать полностью  + Build Notes 8/2/2011 -Incomplete


  • Revan (the test server) is now a PvP server
  • The login queue has been improved
  • The maximum credit capacity for a character is now four billion
  • Added AoE looting as an option in Preferences
  • Taxi costs have been reduced by approximately 50%
  • Final inventory expansion now costs 225,000 credits
  • Random notes about additional taxi routes added - new enviroment art... ambient NPCs...
  • World Bosses have been added on Tatooine and Belsavis
  • Speeder Bikes and Personal vehicles'' speed has increased
  • Players are able to resurrect via the Medical Probe so long as they are not in Warzones, Raids, or Flashpoints.

Classes and Combat
  • The expertise stat (which increase character effectiveness when fighting other players) has been added, along with a dropdown for PvP damage and healing stats on the Character Pane.
  • Each class now relies on ONE primary attribute to boost damage and healing with ALL ability types
  • Attack power rating has been removed
  • Power rating has been added. In increase damage dealt by all attacks
  • Surge Rating has been added. It increase the magnitude of all critical damage and healing
  • Shield rating has been added. It increase the chace to mitigate incoming damage with shield items.
  • Training costs have been rebalanced across all classes
  • Ability training costs have been reduced overall.
  • The stun break ability now becomes available at level 9 (down from 18)

Bounty Hunter
  • Extensive changes have been made to the BH, its advanced classes and its skill trees
  • The pvp balance of this class has been improved
  • The variable heat system has been rebalance to provide maximum regeneration from 60% heat and upwards, increase capacity for burst damage and healing.
  • The Firebug tree is now the shared tree between both AC''s. The Advanced Prototype tree is now available only to powertechs.

Imperial Agent
  • Significant changes have been made to this class and it''s skill trees to improve viability in pve and pvp
  • Replaced group speeed increase ability with infiltrate, which provides a 15 second group stealth field
  • Added a regeneration indicator with a tooltip that describes the Agent''s resource regeneration

Jedi Consular
  • Force now regenerates at 8 force per second
  • Force of will: This ability is now trainable at level 9
  • Force Valor: this ability no longer increases Presence

  • Presence no longer increases force regeneration
  • Restoration: This ability is now trainable at lvl 24
  • Force Quake trainable at 34
  • Mind Crush trainable at 14
  • Revive trainable at 50

  • Mind''s Eye: Skill has been added, increase range of disturbance, telekinetic wave, and turbulence.
  • Wisdom: this skill now located in the seer skill tree increase presence by 3% per rank and healing by 1% per rank.

  • Martial Studies: removed
  • Shield Proficience and Combat Technique: trainable at 14
  • Resilience at lvl 36
  • Force Pull: at lvl 42
  • Balance (shared tree) This tree''s overall damage output potential has been improved and is more in line with other damage tree''s
  • Many skills in this tree have been moved and altered
  • A double-bladed lightsaber is no longer required for some skills
  • Force Strike: this skill now additionally clears the cooldown of mind crush
  • Force Supression now works more like death field
  • Will of the Jedi is now in this tree and increase willpower by 3%
  • Psychic Absorption this skill has been moved to T6 and has 2 ranks
  • Containment move to Tier 5
  • Assertion Tier 4 3 ranks
  • Twin Disciplines now has 2 ranks

Jedi Knight
  • Ability and skill progression for this class has changed significantly.
  • Merciless throw: trainable at level 46, this new ability is a high damage ranged attack for use against enemies with low health
  • Resolve: This ability is now trainable at 9
  • overhead slash: This ability is now trainable at 28
  • Force Stasis: level 24
  • combat Focus: 22
  • Cyclone slash: 32
  • Saber Throw: 36
  • Awe: 42
  • Force Pull: This ability has been relocated to the Jedi Consular.

  • Force Camouflage: This ability is no trainable at 26
  • Pacify: level 30

  • Focused Slash now works with Blade Rush
  • Quick recovery now additionally reduces the cooldown of Force Sweep by 1.5 seconds per point

  • Some skills have been altered in position, rank, and magnitude of effect.
  • Added displacement at Tier 5, which increase the range on pacify
  • Blade Bond, removed.

  • Taunt: Trainable at 16
  • Shield Proficiency and Soresu Form are now trainable at level 14

  • Some skills have been altered in position, rank, and magnitude of effect.
  • Unremitting now grants immunity to stuns for 4 seconds after use.

  • Some skills have been altered in position, rank, and magnitude of effect.
  • Warding call now reduces all damage taken by 40% for 10 seconds
  • Strongarm has been removed
  • Added Lunge at Tier 2, which increase riposte chance and focus return in soresu form
  • the damage on hilt strike has been reduce by 10%

Focus (shared tree)
  • Some skills have been altered in position, rank, and magnitude of effect.
  • improved stasis now reduces the cooldown of master strike
  • Stabbing pain has been removed
  • Added Unwavering Focus (which makes master Strike uninterruptable) at Tier 4

Sith Inquisitor
  • Everything changed here is mirrored with the JC. As they are the same class.

Sith Warrior
  • Same as the JK.. mirror classes

  • Significant changes have been made to this class and it''s skill trees to improve viability in PvE and PvP
  • Replaced group speed with smuggle aka 15 second group stealth

  • Significant changes have been made to this class and it''s skill trees to improve viability in PvE and PvP
  • PvP balance of this class has been significantly improved
  • Variable Ammo system has been rebalanced (see BH it''s the same thing)
  • The assault specialist tree is now the shared tree between both AC''s. The tactics tree is now available only to vanguards.

  • Harpoon Missile, an attack that pulls the target towards the trooper, has been added at level 22