Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion - BETA 3
16 мая 2012
Компания Stardock Entertainment и студия Ironclad Games объявили о старте третьей фазы бета-тестирования самостоятельного дополнения к космической стратегии Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. В этой фазе игроков ожидает возвращение в игру Vasari Empire.
Напомним, принять участие в бета-тесте смогут обладатели преордера игры.
Релиз дополнения ожидается 12 июня 2012 года.
Изменения по сравнению с BETA 2
[ Graphics ]
[ Gameplay ]
[ Sound ]
Напомним, принять участие в бета-тесте смогут обладатели преордера игры.
Релиз дополнения ожидается 12 июня 2012 года.
Изменения по сравнению с BETA 2

- Further refined shield effects.
- Increased large debris sizes.
- Fixed some incorrect shield meshes.
[ Gameplay ]
- The Vasari Loyalists and Rebel factions are now available for play!
- All races Scout frigates should now be able to properly detect mines again. This ability has been made passive.
- Flagship''s no longer have a role type.
- Flagship''s now count as Battleships in terms of stats.
- Fixed bug that would improperly boot host and players from a Friends Only ICO game.
- Fixed bug that was causing abilities that target strike craft to fail.
- Added missing string for ally titan lost.
- Fixed bug were Research and Occupation victories would not cause a loss for opponents.
- Added Titans to new Titan statcount type.
- Fixed a possible false positive save state mismatch bug (multiplayer desyncs).
- Fixed bug with HyperspaceAntimatterCostAdjustment - was being calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed a desync bug in multiplayer.
- Removed improper constraint on Corsev''s Boarding Party ability that prevented it from converting in non-Friendly gravity wells.
- Furious Defense ability hull damage autocast levels adjusted per updated HP stats.
- Advent
- Fixed bug with Cultural Integrity Envoy ability that prevented it from working.
- Fixed bug with Cultural Assistance Envoy ability that was causing it to increase, rather than decrease, planet upgrade build times.
- Advent Loyalists
- Unity Mass will no longer be buffed by illusion ships.
- Subjugating Assault ability will now properly toggle off.
- Advent Rebels
- Strength of the Fallen will no longer be buffed by illusion ships.
- Unyielding Will duration increased from 60/60 to 120/240.
[ Sound ]
- Fixed missing capital planet lost voiceovers.
- Fixed enemy research victory 50% complete voiceover.
- Various Galaxy Forge bug fixes.