Space Engineers - Bugfixing #3

Разработчики из студии Keen Software House отчитались за еще один период этапа работы над ошибками космического сандбокса Space Engineers, в результате которого было выпущено обновление 01.056.
Помимо множественных исправлений, разработчики увеличили размеры поршней, что улучшило стабильность их работы, подкорректировали дальность полета ракет, и добавили поддержку моддинга турелей.

Также сегодня ожидается еще одно обновление, исправляющее проблему производительности в многопользовательском режиме.

Перечень изменений  
- changed the piston’s height from 2-blocks to 3-blocks. Pistons should be more stable now (your current creations will not be affected by this change)

- default missile range has changed from 1000m to 800m
- fixed piston performance issues
- improved ship collision performance
- fixed rotor performance issues
- fixed player not being able to remotely control ship when locked via LG
- fixed stacked piston group toolbar issues
- fixed spotlight''s light bit ahead of themselves and shine in only one direction
- fixed player not being able to exit remote control when second player enters the cockpit
- fixed placing block with tool in hand
- fixed wrong offset for flight seat camera
- fixed cannot control the ship after using and disabling thruster override
- fixed pistons shape is causing small ship rotation
- fixed unable to place sloped light armor blocks (texture crash)
- fixed ProjectileTrailColor tag preventing weapon mods from loading
- fixed crash when spawning in modded re-spawn ship
- fixed large bomb effect when detonating small and large warheads together
- fixed beacon HUD being visible without power
- fixed issues with pasting blueprints into the world
- fixed crash when exiting from game to menu
- fixed minor model viewer issues
- fixed broadcasting always switching ON after loading a world
- fixed jetpack flames getting into view in 3rd person
- fixed missile launcher not shooting at each crank & missile turret shoots only from center
- new programmers added to credits screen

Multiplayer performance issues update: We found the issue and fixed it, we will be updating the game with the fix today (Friday)
So sorry about that. Thanks for your reports and understanding.
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