Список изменений классов на PTR
15 января 2013

Список изменений классов в MMORPG World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria опубликовала компания Blizzard Entertainment на американских официальных форумах игры. На этот раз речь идет об игровых классах «Охотник», «Шаман», «Паладин», «Рыцарь Смерти», «Жрец», «Друид и монах».
Так, например, время применения «Прицельного выстрела» охотника снижено с 2.9 до 2.5 секунд; разработчики планируют слегка увеличить общий объем производимого друидом Восстановления лечения; урон «Огненного цветка» монаха теперь масштабируется с уроном оружия, а не с силой атаки, - это результат запланированного нерфа.
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- Aimed Shot''s cast time has been lowered from 2.9 to 2.5 sec.
- The Elemental 4pc does count Lava Bursts cast while in Ascendance.
- The Protection 4pc counts damage after all mitigation, and does count absorbed damage.
- The Retribution 4pc set bonus has changed. It now has a chance for Hammer of the Righteous or Crusader Strike to cause your next Divine Storm to cause extra damage to your target. The idea being that you might swap from TV to DS when you get the proc, so that the RNG is something you can actually do something with rather than it just being RNG for extra damage.
- Retribution now does 50% extra healing with Flash Heal. The Selfless Healer talent has been reduced to 20/40/60% bonus healing.
- Sacred Shield''s absorb effect is now dispellable, but the periodic effect is not.
- Blinding Light has a 1.8 sec cast for Holy only. We think Holy''s CC chains are too strong at the moment, but we don''t think Ret or Prot need the nerf.
Death Knight
- I said above that the Zandalari from the 2pc benefited from Unholy mastery. That was a bald-faced lie. It deals physical damage, like the ghoul.
- There is a good chance we''re going to redesign the 4pc DPS bonus.
- The Golden Apparition from the Healing 4pc heals the lowest % health friendly target within 40yd. Note that it has no visual yet, but will not work like Shadowy Apparitions. It is a simple missile, not a summoned unit.
- Further clarification on the Healing 2pc: the Glyph of Prayer of Mending will only boost the first heal. The glyph effects won’t be carried over due to the set bonus. It will be 160% -> 110% -> 121% -> 133% -> etc.
- We are going to redesign Shadow Word: Insanity.
- We are going to nerf Divine Aegis for Prayer of Healing, but also lower the cost of Power Word: Shield (for Disc only) and increase the healing and damage of Penance. In 25 raids, Disc is using Prayer of Healing almost exclusively and we don''t think the Spirit Shell change will be sufficient to change that. We actually want Disc to get back to using PW:Shield a little more, along with Penance. Disc''s throughput is overall too strong in PvE, not even counting the fact that absorbs are often more beneficial than heals.
- Angelic Bulwark and Spirit Shell can no longer be dispelled.
- The 4pc PvP bonus for healing priests has changed: Reduces the cooldown of Chakra by 25 sec and during Spirit Shell, Flash Heal costs 50% less mana.
- The Guardian 4pc is currently a 50% increase to rage generation while Enraged.
- We are going to slightly increase Resto druid healing across the board.
- We still like the DR change to Cyclone, but we are going to increase its range to 30 yards, and the PvP glove bonus for Balance and Resto will be to increase Cyclone duration by 2 sec.
- Spinning Fire Blossoms’ damage now scales from weapon damage rather than attack power. This will result in an intended nerf.
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