Список изменений патча 4.1.0 PTR от 22 марта

23 марта 2011

Компания Blizzard Entertainment опубликовала очередной список изменений первого глобального патча 4.1.0 дополнения World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, находящегося в данный момент на тестовом сервере PTR. Среди нововведений можно отметить следующие: упрощение достижений, связанных с рейтинговыми полями сражений; введение интерфейса поиска гильдии, а также небольшое усиление магов.
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- A new feat of strength with an associated title, "the Camel-Hoarder", has been added for players that have bested Dormus and obtained the Reins of the Grey Riding Camel -- because there must always be a Camel-Hoarder.
- The achievements to win 100 rated Battlegrounds have been renamed to "Veteran of the Alliance" and "Veteran of the Horde", and now award those titles.
- Achievements to win 300 rated Battlegrounds have been added, awarding the "Warbound" and "Warbringer" titles to the Alliance and Horde respectively.
- Arathi Basin
- The achievement "We Had It All Along *cough*" now requires the player to win Arathi Basin by 50 points or less, up from 10 points or less.
- The Battle for Gilneas
- The achievement "Jugger Not" now requires the player to win The Battle for Gilneas by 100 points or less, up from 10 points or less.
- The achievement "Out of the Fog" requires the player to defend 2 bases in a single battle, down from 3.
- The achievement "One Two Three You Don''t Know About Me" requires the player to assault 2 bases in a single battle, down from 3.
- The achievement "Not Your Average PUG''er" now requires 10 total flag defenses, down from 50.
- The achievement "Battle for Gilneas All-Star" now requires a single flag assault and flag defense in a battle, down from 2.
- Desecration no longer triggers when an applicable strike hits a snare-immune target. This is primarily to avoid unnecessary spell effect clutter during boss encounters.
- Frostbolt damage has been increased by 10%.
- Fingers of Frost bonus damage applied to Ice Lance has been increased to 25%, up from 15%.
- Illuminated Healing shield duration is now 15 seconds, up from 8 seconds. In addition, Illuminated Healing has been increased to provide 1.5% effect per mastery, up from 1.25%.
- Improved Fire Nova has been redesigned and replaced by a talent called Seasoned Winds. When an enemy spell cast is successfully prevented with Wind Shear, the shaman gains magical resistance (in an amount equal to what a protection totem/aura would grant, stacking with such buffs) to the spell school(s) of the interrupted spell (except for Holy spells), lasting 10 seconds.
Подземелья и рейды
Dire Maul North
- The Gordok Courtyard Key in Fengus''s Chest is now replenished after several seconds.
The Mechanar
- The Cache of the Legion now unlocks when Gatewatcher Gyro-kill is gyro-killed.
- Postboxes no longer require keys to open, because really, who locks their postboxes anymore when they''re all undead? It''s just people sending coupons for brains anyway.
- The Postmaster now spawns when 3 of any postbox are opened.
- The Staff of Prehistoria is no longer required to open the door in the Map Room.
- Baelog''s chest has been given new loot. If it''s grey it''s good, right?
- Troll Cages no longer require the Executioner''s Key to open.
- The amount of guild experience rewarded for rated Battleground guild group wins has been dramatically increased.
- Players are now rewarded guild experience for Honorable Kills in the field.
- Players are now rewarded guild experience for Battleground wins in Battleground brackets up to level 80.
- Arena teams are now awarded guild experience for wins. The entire team must be members of the same guild to earn this experience.
- All trade goods available for purchase with Honor or Justice Points from the associated commodities vendors have had their prices reduced by 50%.
- Maelstrom Crystals are now available for purchase with Honor or Justice Points from the associated commodities vendors.
- The Ring of Valor has returned! It should now be playable again in the Arena map rotation.
- New starting areas have been added for Ring of Valor. Players will no longer enter the Arena on the elevator. It''s been removed. Instead players will start in a room at opposite ends of the Arena.
- Loot from the creatures Garr, Julak-Doom, Mobus, and Poseidus has been adjusted to be commensurate to their rarity and invested effort.
Пользовательский интерфейс
- The Guild Finder has been implemented! While we are continuing to add final polish to this feature, we welcome all focused testers to give it a go. Feedback can be provided here.