Список изменений патча 5.1 PTR от 2 ноября
3 ноября 2012

Опубликован список изменений патча 5.1 от 2 ноября 2012 года, находящегося на тестовом сервере (PTR) MMORPG World of Warcraft, сообщает официальный американский сайт этой игры от компании Blizzard Entertainment. Представленные нововведения могут появиться на сервере не все сразу, а постепенно – по мере прогресса тестирования.
Список изменений

Brawler''s Guild
- Entry into the brawler’s guild is by invitation only. Invitations can be found on the black market auction house or by invitation from somebody within the guild.
- Lesser Charm of Good Fortune no longer takes up bag space, and is now recorded in the currency tab of the Character Sheet.
- The durations of all Disarm effects have been reduced to 8 seconds.
Death Knight
- Damage received from players (or player-controlled sources) no longer counts towards increasing the healing done by Death Strike.
- A new passive ability has been added: Tooth and Claw. This ability causes autoattacks to have a chance to empower the Druid''s next Maul. Empowered Maul reduce the damage dealt by the target''s next autoattack. Guardian Druids obtain this ability at level 32.
- Omen of Clarity now has a different visual effect for Feral Druids.
- Careful Aim now increases the critical strike chance of Steady Shot and Aimed Shot by 75% on targets who are above 80% health, down from 90%.
- The duration of Steady Focus has been increased to 20 seconds, up from 10 seconds.
- The damage buff from Arcane Charge has been increased from 22% to 24%.
- Rune of Power duration now shows in the UI, and no longer has a cooldown (was 6 seconds).
- Ring of Frost now has a 45 second cooldown, up from 30 seconds, and can no longer affect more than 10 targets.
- The mana cost of Spellsteal has been increased to 21% of base mana for Fire and Frost mages, up from 7%.
- All healing spells which cost mana have had their mana cost increased by 10%.
- The energy costs of Legacy of the Emperor, and Legacy of the White Tiger have been reduced to 20, down from 50.
- The energy cost of Healing Sphere has been reduced to 40, down from 60.
- The Tiger Power provided by Tiger Palm now reduces target armor by 30% with a single application and no longer stacks.
- Stance of the Fierce Tiger now increases the Monk''s movement speed by 10% in addition to its other effects. This movement speed increase stacks with other effects.
- The healing provided by the Healing Sphere base spell has been increased by 20%.
- The chance to generate 1 Chi while channeling Soothing Mist and Crackling Jade Lightning has increased to 35%, up from 25%.
- The Power Strikes talent now grants the Power Strikes effect every 22 20 seconds, which causes the Monk''s next attack to generate 1 additional Chi.
- Enveloping Mist is now available at level 16, down from level 34.
- The healing provided by Chi Burst and Chi Wave has been reduced by 25%.
- You now have a chance equal to your crit chance to generate double the amount of Mana Tea Charge.
- Renewing Mist now travels to 2 additional targets (was 3 targets).
- The mana cost of Soothing Mist has been reduced by 33%.
- Haste for Mistweavers is now 50% more effective through Stance of the Wise Serpent.
- The healing provided when detonating Zen Sphere has been reduced by 25%.
- Holy Paladin: The 4 piece bonus now reduces Holy Shock cooldown by 2 seconds, up from 1 second.
- Retribution Paladin: The 4 piece bonus now reduces Avenging Wrath’s cooldown by 65 seconds, down from 85 seconds.
- Atonement healing range has been increased to 40 yards, up from 15.
- Chakras now persist through death and zoning.
- Discipline Priests can once again learn Focused Will. This ability is obtained at level 30.
- Chakra: Chastise now increases the damage dealt by Shadow and Holy spells by 50% (was 15%), and reduces mana costs by 90% (was 75%) while the ability is in effect.
- The cooldown of Blind has been reduced to 90 seconds, down from 3 minutes.
- Kil''jaeden''s Cunning snare has been increased from 10% per stack to 15% per stack.
- Removed the ranged Melee attack from Demonology Warlocks in Metamorphosis form, and increased the damage of Doom by 25% to compensate.
- Demonic Gateway duration has been increased to 20 15 minutes, and it will no longer despawn if the Warlock moves too far away. In addition, this ability can no longer be used in any capital city.
- Avatar no longer grants immunity to movement impairing effects, and instead now instantly breaks movement impairing effects. This ability also no longer generates addiitonal Rage while active. Its duration has increased to 24 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- The cooldown of Intimidating Shout has increased to 90 seconds, up from 60 seconds.
Pet Battles
- Pet Battle music is now more appropriate for the type of match being fought.
- Several new Pet Battle PvP areas have been added to the world.
Raids, Dungeons and Scenarios
- The Tidal Shield cast by High Warlord Naj''entus now has a reduced duration.
- Razorgore the Untamed no longer takes extra damage from Black Talon enemies, has more health, and can cast Destroy Egg more frequently.
- Viscidus now requires significantly fewer hits to freeze and Shatter.
Bug Fixes
- All spells that cause Forebearance can no longer be applied simultaneously.
- Renewing Mist should now be more responsive.
- Halo Should now be more responsive.
- Poisons should now be more responsive.
- Revealing Strike should now be more responsive.
- Pandemic no longer smooths the damage when extending dots with different amounts of spellpower.
- Execute damage with high amounts of Vengeance is now capped at the Warrior''s maximum health to prevent it from reaching excessive numbers.
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