Список изменений патча 5.2 PTR от 19 февраля


Опубликован список изменений патча 5.2 с тестового сервера MMORPG World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria от 19 февраля 2013 года, сообщила компания Blizzard Entertainment. Основные нововведения: добавлен новый центр выполнения ежедневных квестов – Остров Грома. Те, кто смог добыть ключ «Key to the Palace of Lei Shen», смогут попасть в сокровищницы добычи первого императора. Героям придется набирать столько наград, сколько они смогут собрать в течение 5 минут. В больших сундуках – больше предметов, включая особые ключи для использования в конце прохождения. Они дают шанс на получение эпической экипировки и других серьезных наград. Ключи выпадают из редких монстров, разбросанных по острову сундуков, их также выдают в награду за выполнение ежедневных квестов.

Кроме этого, небольшим изменениям подверглись классы «Монах», «Маг», «Паладин», «Жрец» и «Шаман».

Список изменений  
  • New Daily Quest Hub: Isle of Thunder.
    • Heroes fortunate enough to acquire a “Key to the Palace of Lei Shen” can bring it to the Shado-Pan on the Isle of Thunder and use it to infiltrate the fabled treasure vaults of the first emperor. Heroes are tasked with grabbing as much loot as they can within five minutes. Larger chests will have the most loot, including special keys that can be used at the end of the run for a chance at epic gear and other major rewards. Keys are awarded from rare mobs, hidden chests around the island, and from award satchels obtained by completing daily quests.
  • Taking Over The Farm
    • Players that have grown attached to working the land at Sunsong Ranch can now acquire purchase the farm land from Farmer Yoon via a quest. The farmhouse becomes a rest point like an Inn, where the player can bind and instantly log out. Work orders will pour into the farm from factions across Pandaria, and completing a work order will earn a reputation boost with the issuing faction.
    • The option to take over the farm is available to characters that are exalted with the Tillers and have unlocked all 16 farm plots.
    • Please note: The new Sunsong Ranch features are not available on the PTR, but will be coming soon.


  • Mage
    • Glyph of Evocation now causes the Invocation talent to restore 10% (was 20%) health after completing an Evocation.
    • Arcane
      • Arcane Blast damage has been reduced by 22.2% and mana cost has been increased to 1.66667% of base mana (was 1.5%).
      • Arcane Missile''s damage has been reduced by 22.2%.
      • Arcane Barrage damage has been reduced by 13.6%.
    • Frost
      • Frostbolt now deals 52% more damage, but its debuff no longer increases subsequent Frostbolt damage.

  • Monk
    • Chi Wave now does 100% more damage and 14% less healing, and no longer costs Chi, and has a 15 second cooldown.
    • Zen Sphere now has a limit of 2 (was 1), detonates when either the recipient reaches 35% health or the Zen Sphere is dispelled, no longer costs Chi, and has a 10 second cooldown. Its periodic damage has been increased by 22%, periodic healing has been reduced by 61%, its detonation healing has been reduced by 62%, and detonation range has been increased by 40%.
    • Chi Burst now does 340% more damage and 69% more healing, no longer costs Chi, and has a 30 second cooldown.
    • Mistweaver
      • Jab now costs 6% (was 4%) of base mana to use.
      • The Glyphed version of Uplift now costs 8% of base mana (was 6.6%) to cast.
      • Teachings of the Monastery now provides additional benefits.
        • Tiger Palm damage increased by 100%. and restores 1% of max mana.
      • Muscle Memory is a new passive ability for Mistweaver Monks. Successful Jab and Spinning Crane Kick which damages at least 3 enemies cause Muscle Memory. Muscle Memory causes the Monk''s next Tiger Palm or Blackout Kick to deal 150% more damage and restore 2% mana.

  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • Seal of Justice now causes melee attacks to deal an additional 20% (was 16%) as Holy damage.
      • Retribution 2-piece PvP set bonus now grants 1000 PvP power (was 800).
      • Retribution 4-piece PvP set bonus had been replaced. It now decreases the cooldown on Avenging Wrath by 65 seconds.

  • Priest
    • Power Word: Solace has been replaced with a new talent: Solace & Insanity
      • For Holy and Discipline, Power Word: Solace replaces Holy Fire. It deals the same damage, and interacts with other spells and abilities in the same manner but does not trigger Atonement, is instant, costs no mana, and restores 1% of maximum mana on each cast. Damage dealt by Power Word: Solace will heal a nearby friendly player within 40 yards of the target for 100% of the damage dealt (50% when healing the Priest).
    • Power Infusion now increases the Priest''s damage by 10% in addition to current effects.
    • Discipline
      • Mastery: Shield Discipline now also increases all healing done by a lesser amount, but the bonus provided by Mastery has been reduced by 36%.
      • Penance now has a range of 40 yards for both friendly and hostile targets (was 40 yards for friendly and 30 yards for hostile targets).
      • Spirit Shell now provides an absorb shield equal to the average healing and absorb of the triggering spell, including criticals and Divine Aegis. no longer benefits from Mastery, and now properly includes the benefits of Divine Aegis and critical effect chance.
      • Divine Aegis now causes critical heals to apply an absorb shield on the target for 100% of the amount healed instead of healing for twice as much. In addition, it grants Power Word: Shield a chance equal to the Priest''s critical chance for the shield to absorb twice as much damage. is no longer guaranteed when Prayer of Healing is cast. The effect now activates when the spell crits.

  • Shaman
    • Lava Burst base damage has been reduced by 33% but now always deals a critical strike. When cast on targets affected by Flame Shock, it now deals 50% more damage.
    • Ancestral Guidance now copies 60% (was 40%) of the amount healed.
    • Conductivity now shares 30% (was 20%) of the healing received from Healing Wave, Greater Healing Wave, or Healing Surge.
  • Warrior
    • Arms
      • Overpower now costs 10 rage and reduces Mortal Strike remaining cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
      • Sudden Death now has a 25% chance to activate from Overpower instead of a 10% (was 20%) chance to activate from auto attacks or Opportunity Strike. In addition, using Execute makes Overpower free for 10 seconds.

  • Players of the same faction that participated in a fight with Pandaria world bosses (Sha of Anger, Galleon, Nalak the Storm Lord, and Oondasta) now get shared credit for the kill and will be eligible for loot.

Raids, Dungeons and Scenarios

  • Satchels obtained via the Raid Finder now have a chance to contain additional rewards, including: consumables, Spirits of Harmony, rare pets or mounts, and Raid Finder versions of Normal and Heroic difficulty zone drops that were previously unavailable from Raid Finder encounters!
  • Mogu Runes of Fate have been added and provides a bonus roll for Throne of Thunder, Nalak the Storm Lord, and Oondasta and are purchased with Lesser Charms of Good Fortune. Elder Charms of Good Fortune will continue to work in Mogu''shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring, the Sha of Anger, and Salyis'' Warband (Galleon).
  • The maximum number of Elder Charms of Good Fortune a character can hold has been increased to 20 (was 10).

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