Список известных проблем патча 1.5 к SWTOR на тестовом сервере
30 октября 2012

Опубликован список известных затруднений патча 1.5, находящегося на тестовом сервере sci-fi MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic, сообщила компания BioWare. Основные проблемы связаны с кэш-шопом Cartel Market и моделью оплаты «free-to-play»: некоторые кнопки работают некорректно, при поиске в галактическом торговом канале предметы не отображаются так, как должны, внешний вид некоторых предметов не совпадает со значками магазина. Кроме этого, разработчики уведомили о том, что не рекомендуют тестировать операции в текущем билде – возникли сложности с их боссами, из-за которых прохождение будет невозможно завершить корректно.
Список изменений

The following are issues known to exist on the current 1.5 build on the PTS:
Cartel Market and Free-to-Play
- The Cartel Market tutorial currently incorrectly informs players that there is a "Refund All" button.
- Cartel Market Items do not display properly when searched for on the GTN.
- The Cartel Market images improperly display some English text in the French and English versions.
- The new welcome screen has text that is not final and may contain errors.
- The Gauntlet of Tulak Hord, Revan''s Cowl, and Bastila''s Sash activate, but the apparitions currently do not attack.
- Some gear appearances in the Cartel Market may not match the store icon.
- Some Cartel Market items may not display the Cartel Market overlay on their icons.
- Using the Carbonite Chamber from the Cartel Market does not restore the player''s energy as intended.
- Limitations on Weekly loot rolls are not working as intended for Free-to-Play Players.
- Players do not retain the correct authorization for Orange items with Artifact (purple) quality modifications installed they owned before becoming a Free-to-Play player.
- Free-to-Play and Cartel Market tutorials may not display text properly in the French and German versions.
Flashpoints and Operations
- Several issues with Operations Bosses will prevent Operations from being completed as intended. It is not recommended that Operations be tested on this PTS build.
- In Explosive Conflict, nameplates currently display for Kephess'' Saturation Fire ability. These nameplates should not be visible.
- While completing the missions to obtain HK-51, the Mission Log may display progress incorrectly.
Group Finder
- The "Join Queue" button is not disabled as intended for Free-to-Play players.
- Gear may not appear to be properly lit when viewing gear in the preview window in some circumstances.
- Vehicles currently use incorrect low-resolution textures in the preview window.
P.S. Подписывайтесь на наш YouTube канал.
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