Список срочных исправлений 5.0.5 от 25 октября

Опубликован список срочных исправлений патча 5.0.5 от 25 октября 2012 года для MMORPG World of Warcraft, сообщает официальный американский сайт этой игры от компании Blizzard Entertainment. Данный вид исправлений ставится на серверной стороне, при этом игрокам не нужно скачивать дополнительный патч. Некоторые из исправлений появятся в игре сразу, другие – после перезагрузки игрового мира.

Список изменений  +
October 25

  • The Valor Point rewards from random Dungeons, Challenge Mode Dungeons and Scenarios have increased.

  • Yaungols on the Deadtalker''s Plateau will no longer sometimes cause player pets to attack unprovoked.
  • Crumbling Jade Warriors no longer grant reputation with The Black Prince.
  • Muckscale Rippers, Muckscale Slayers, and Muckscale Shaman are now less prolific.
  • It is no longer possible for other players to tap Alani in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms while the Sky Crystal is being channeled.

  • Players can now properly complete "Old Man Thistle''s Treasure".
  • Leven Dawnblade now offers the quest "The Mogu''s Message".
  • It is now easier for players to cooperate while completing "Mantid Under Fire".
  • Sra''vess Island is now a more pleasant questing destination. The roads are less crowded, and all players battling elite Mantid will now be awarded credit for the kill.

Dungeons & Raids
  • Disenchanting items awarded from Raid Finder bosses will no longer yield Blood Spirits.
  • Player item level for Raid Finder should now always be calculated correctly.

Mogu''shan Vaults
  • Jan-xi and Qin-xi are now immune to the Druid ability Skull Bash.
  • Raids that wipe while defeating Gara''jal the Spiritbinder simultaneously should now be eligible for loot.

Bug Fixes
  • Players previously unable to plant crops in the Valley of the Four Winds are now able to do so.
  • Fulfilling the requirements for Scenaterday on a Saturday will now properly provide achievement credit.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause socketed gems to disappear.

P.S. Подписывайтесь на наш YouTube канал.
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