Список срочных исправлений патча 5.0.5 от 25 сентября
26 сентября 2012
Опубликован список срочных исправлений патча 5.0.5 от 25 сентября 2012 года для MMORPG World of Warcraft, сообщает официальный американский сайт этой игры от компании Blizzard Entertainment. Напомним, что данный вид исправлений ставится на серверной стороне и не требует от игроков скачивать дополнительный патч. Некоторые из них появятся в игре сразу, другие – после перезагрузки игрового мира.
Читать полностью
September 25
Alterac Valley
- Boss NPCs in the level 85-89 bracket are now level 90, and their guards are now level 89.
Isle of Conquest
- Boss NPCs in the level 85-89 bracket are now level 90, and their guards are now level 89.
- Boss NPCs in the level 90 bracket are new level 91, and their guards are now level 90.
- Thrash periodic damage has been increased by 60%.
- Keg Smash damage has been increased by 50%.
- Keg Smash can now hit every target in range (was previously a maximum of three).
- Wild Strike damage has been increased by 18%.
- Execute damage has been decreased by 7%.
- Mortal Strike damage has been increased by 5%.
Dungeons and Raids
Bastion of Twilight
- Players are no longer able to earn the Feat of Strength "I Can''t Hear You Over the Sound of How Awesome I Am".
Stormstout Brewery
- Ook-Ook should now suffer impacts from players on barrels who hit him immediately after another barrel does.
Pet Battles
- Battle pet quests are no longer flagged for Mists of Pandaria only, and can be accepted by players who have not yet upgraded.
- Slicing Wind can now hit multiple times on pets, regardless of their family type.
- Crimson moth and Wharf Rat should appear as expected in the Pet Journal.
- Players will now receive AOE credit for sinking both the Bladefist Reaper and Stygian Scar while in proximity of the ships being destroyed during the quest "Unleash Hell".
- Players no longer remain in the Orgrimmar Gunship phase of "Into the Mists" once the quest is completed.
- In the quest "Strongarm Tactics", players should now receive credit for killing Gyro-mechanic Lavenderp or Master Engineer Cogswing if the other NPC is slain by a second player.
- Players should be able to turn in the quest "The Elder''s Instruments" and then see and interact with Pearlkeeper Fujin.
- The quests "Regroup", "You''re Either With Us Or...", and "Face to Face with Consequence" should be offered automatically to characters who enter Honeydew Glade after leaving Thunderhold without receiving them from General Nazgrim and Taren Zhu.
- In the "Wicked Wikkets" quest, paratroopers how drop the quest item Alliance Service Medallion 100% of the time.
- The cutscene that plays during the quest "The Jade Serpent" cannot be cancelled by the player. This is intended.
Bug Fixes
- Players should not receive duplicate messages in chat channels.
- Crossing a zone boundary on a multi-passenger mount should no longer dismount passengers.
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