Список срочных исправлений патча 5.1 от 28 ноября
29 ноября 2012

Выложен список срочных исправлений за 28 ноября 2012 года к только что вышедшему обновлению 5.1 «Landfall» («Высадка») для MMORPG World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria от компании Blizzard Entertainment, сообщает американский официальный сайт игры. Разработчики исправили ошибки в квестах – теперь, например, при атаке целей квестов в Красарангских джунглях на игроков больше некорректно не накладывается PvP-флаг; на пользователей в PvP снова корректно накладываются эффекты молчания, а относящиеся к конкретном персонажу макросы больше не исчезают спорадически с линеек во время входа в игру.
Список изменений

- Stormlash Totem now has a radius of 40 yards (was 30).
- Skull Banner now has a radius of 40 yards (was 30).
- Quest targets on Bilgewater Beach in Krasarang Wilds will no longer improperly apply PvP flags to attacking players.
- Agent Malley, the Operation: Shieldwall Quartermaster, now accepts the proper currency for his wares.
- The quest "Touching Ground" can now be completed correctly.
- NPCs in Domination Point will no longer ask PvP Guards to assist them in combat.
- Great Cranes now drop Pristine Jet Crownfeathers more frequently.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent players from witnessing their respective faction''s landing on the shore of Krasarang Wilds.
Pet Battles
- Mr. Bigglesworth will no longer drop from Kel''Thuzad, as he can now be obtained from the achievement Raiding With Leashes.
Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios
- Fixed an issue that could cause some players to be friendly with the denizens of the Black Temple.
The Heart of Fear
- Garalon will no longer despawn when moved near the outside edges of his platform.
Mogu''shan Palace
Trial of the King
- Defeating Kuai the Brute while he is casting shockwave will no longer sometimes prevent players from completing this encounter.
A Little Patience
- It is no longer necessary to slay the Kor''kron Elite preceding Commander Scargash to engage him.
- Players are once again correctly affected by silencing effects in PvP.
- Scavenged Pandaren Weapons are now correctly Bind on Pickup.
- The Malevolent Gladiator''s Ripper now has the correct amount of PvP Power.
Bug Fixes
- Character specific macros should no longer sometimes be removed from action bars when logging into the game for the first time.
- Players that have faction changed will now receive the correct Pandaren Campaign commissions for their current faction.
- Field Merchant Skevin now appears on the Skyfire.
- Spirits of Harmony can no longer be sold, auctioned or mailed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to become disconnected during the Domination Point event.
- The Sturdy Crane Crate, Sturdy Tiger Trap, and Sturdy Crab Crate are now consumed once the quests they offer are accepted.
- Guild tabards will now display correctly on the character selection screen.
- Mutilate, Killing Spree, and Fan of Knives once again apply poisons correctly.
- The effects of Symbiosis: Prowl will now correctly be removed once the duration of Symbiosis expires.
- Safeguard once again properly removes snares and rooting effects.
P.S. Подписывайтесь на наш YouTube канал.
Другие публикации по теме
Еще до старта второго сезона MMORPG World of Warcraft: The War Within разработчики активно готовятся к проведению киберспортивных мероприятий. Игроков ждут два крупных турнира: Arena World Championship и Mythic Dungeon International по подземельям высочайшего уровня сложности.
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