Update 2 для патча 1.4 установлен на тестовый сервер
18 сентября 2012
Второе обновление патча 1.4 к sci-fi MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic установлено на тестовый сервер (PTS) этой игры, сообщил представитель компании BioWare на официальных форумах игры. В обновлении разработчики исправили ошибки в операции «Terror from Beyond», предметах, заданиях и NPC, а также в пользовательском интерфейсе.
Список изменений Companion Characters
- Companions no longer follow the player while on a personal starship.
Flashpoints and Operations Operation: Terror from Beyond
- Using Obliterate or Zealous Leap on the Terror from Beyond while it is using Tantrum no longer causes the player to teleport to the boss.
- Hypergate Irregularities and Hypergate Anomalies now deal less damage in 16-player Hard Mode.
- Data Cores from the encounter with Operator IX now have the correct amount of HP in 16-player Hard Mode
- Corrected an issue that allowed players to avoid the Terror from Beyond’s Scream.
- The chest before the Operator IX encounter now contains crafting materials.
- NPC corpses are no longer present after the group has been defeated by an encounter.
- Armorings for Elite War Hero shields, generators, and foci are now bound to the off-hand slot (they cannot be installed on items that are not off-hand items).
- Corrected clipping issues with several items on female body type 4.
- The Czerka Crate-o-Matic no longer causes players to become invisible.
Missions and NPCs
- Map notes now animate correctly.
- The Released Rancor on Belsavis now animates properly when moving.
- Category names are once again displayed on the scorecard at the end of a Warzone.
- The Guild and Social interfaces now display headers and icons correctly.
- The tooltip for Defense Chance now shows the correct labels and associated number values.
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
- Several text entries that did not have French or German localization have been updated.
- Players using AMD Eyefinity are no longer missing art assets during character creation.
- An audio issue that could result in sound stuttering or loss after extended play has been corrected.
- Audio now plays correctly when a player unsheathes or sheathes a weapon or is hit in combat.
P.S. Подписывайтесь на наш YouTube канал.
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